Civil Dispute Resolution

If you are currently experiencing a disagreement between yourself and another individual or organization, you may well need legal assistance to provide civil dispute resolution.

Here at Ashburnham Solicitors, we are extremely proud of our expert solicitors who have helped clients efficiently resolve a number of differing civil disputes. Whatever the reasons for your dispute, we fully understand how daunting and stressful it can be for all those involved. That’s why our solicitors will not only ensure you are given the best legal advice, but that you receive support and guidance throughout every step of the civil dispute resolution process.

There are two main ways of resolving a dispute, either through ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) or Litigation. We will examine and evaluate your claim so that we can advise on which route to take for the best possible outcome, whether that ends up being via litigation or ADR.

If you are involved in a civil dispute and need legal advice and guidance through the process, get in touch with us today.