An amicable way for an employer to terminate a contract or settle a workplace dispute, is to issue a settlement agreement, formerly known as compromise agreements and you will need a settlement agreement solicitor to advise on this. These voluntary agreements between employee and employer are legally binding contracts, and are used to prevent future claims against the business. There is normally a sum of money involved which is paid to the employee in return for agreeing to not continue the legal dispute.
If you are offered an agreement, the law states that you must seek legal advice before signing, which you can receive from a settlement agreement solicitor. Our specialist settlement agreement solicitor will provide you with independent, legal advice on both the effects of the agreement and if the content is within your best interests.
If you are considering requesting a settlement agreement or your employer has offered you one, please contact Ashburnham Solicitors today and we can expertly guide you through the process and get you the best possible outcome.